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About E2I

The Center for Engineering Education Innovation (E2I) was established by the School of Engineering at HKUST in 2010. At the Center, we believe in learning to teach and teaching to learn.

Our vision and mission

We aspire to be recognized both within Hong Kong and internationally as a leading center in the design, delivery and evaluation of innovative learning experiences for engineering students, faculty, and staff.

We are focused on providing high-quality learning and development programs to engineering students, faculty, and staff for the enhancement of human capacity. Through these programs we aim to foster a learning culture by developing and sharing good practices in learning and teaching, assessment, and quality assurance.

Our focus is to help people in transition through the following activities:

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Student Learning Experiences

Convey to students the excitement of the engineering practice, assist students of diverse backgrounds in making a successful transition to university life and study, and enrich the overall student experience in order to promote student learning and development.

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 Faculty and Staff Development
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Faculty and Staff Development

Motivate and support our faculty and staff in designing and delivering effective learning experiences for both undergraduate and postgraduate students within an outcome-based framework.

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Evaluation and Assessment
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Evaluation and Assessment

Coordinate and analyze various evaluations, assessments, surveys and feedback from students, alumni and employers, and take follow-up actions for continuous improvement.

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Outreach, Recruitment, and Communication
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Outreach, Recruitment, and Communication

Help promote to prospective students the attractiveness of studying engineering.

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Research on Education Reform
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Research on Education Reform

Encourage research in engineering education and facilitate the link between education research and practice. Contribute to engineering education reform efforts in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Asia.